Saturday, June 13, 2020

CV Presentation The Deciding Factor for an interview call -

CV Presentation â€" The Deciding Factor for an interview call CV WritingExerciseHealthTipsEverybody takes care of it whether it’s your neighbors party, a social event, the interior of your house or even how your pet looks!Presentation is the key to pleasing the eyes and getting a kick start to many things, including â€" an interview call usingYOUR RESUMEWhat most forget when making a Resume is that it is your marketing tool, selling your skills and the first impression you give to your prospect employer. You may be extremely confident on your skills, abilities and experience but how would this translate into words and then into the recruiters mind. We have prepared for you a quick list of the most important things to keep in mind when preparing your ResumeFor making hard copies of Resume always ensure you take a good quality paper. Don’t compromise on this. Thin paper could give a cheap feel when holding and is also prone to easy tear. Make sure the paper used for printing the Resume is thick and is only 10-20% translucent. When held agains t any source of light the paper should not easily be seen through.Fonts are the second most important in the list and the foremost if you use a soft copy Resume, to email to your prospect employer. When selecting the fonts make sure they are true type fonts. True type fonts are most effective in both soft and hard copies. You can use Calibri, Cambria, Times New Roman, Verdana or any good quality true type font.Optimum size to use for fonts depends upon which font type you use. Still in most cases this is between 9 â€" 11. If your Resume is designed by Art2Write experts then you may receive a Resume with differential size, i.e. some areas could have font size 10 and some 11. This depends how much time and effort you are devoting in presenting your ResumeAlways ensure that the content in your CV or Resume is well spread out and easily readable. The sentences should neither be too close nor too far from each other. An employer should be able to read the matter with comfort. Remember re cruiters and employers have 100`s of Resume to select from, so these things hold importance.If you are amongst those willing to add colour to your Resume then without doubt, print your CV in colour. This will increase your Resume or CV selection chance by 50%. This is even more suitable for those who have a colour photo, cover letter, cover page, QR code. Art2Write is a pioneer in using QR Code, Cover page and more and we always recommend colour printouts.Make optimum use of Bold, Italics and underline to highlight what you want the employer / recruiter to read in your Resume. NEVER HIGHLIGHT ANYTHING in any colour. This is a deadly mistake. Also only use CAPS ON if it is absolutely necessaryWe would absolutely love to hear from you. Please drop in your comments below

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